Find out how the Pusher team improved the documentation.
We’ve had loads of great feedback telling us how easy it is to use Pusher, but we think we can do better. One thing we know we can improve on is our docs. We’ve recently spent quite a bit of time updating them to make it as easy as possible to find and understand what you are looking for.
We’ve done this in a few ways. We’ve created a new section called “Using Pusher” underneath which you’ll find a Client API Overview and a Publisher API Overview. The Client API Overview provides you with all the information you need to use our client libraries and the Publisher API Overview contains all you need to use our publisher/REST libraries.
We’ve structured both of these sections in a way that we hope makes it easy for you to answer how-to style questions. For example, “How do I connect to Pusher from my client?” is answered by the Pusher Connection page and “How do I trigger events from my server?” is answered by the Publishing Events page.
We like to see lots of copyable code in docs, and have tried to include samples in the new docs. We’ve tried to make sure we’ve got the right amount of overview and detail, and have also provided reference-style sections covering constructors, methods/functions, parameters, events and properties. We’ve also tried to provide examples of each of these in use.
It’s really important for us to make Pusher as easy as possible to use. Documentation, even if only used for quick reference lookups, is really important. If you see anything that isn’t clear, would like to see an example in another language, or have any feedback or ideas at all please get in touch.