How do I build a real-time API? and Where do I start when building a Real-Time API?
Real-Time APIs are much more prevalent than you would probably believe. Some of the best known API providers – whether an API is what they’re known for or not – offer some kind of Real-Time API. WebHooks, HTTP Long-Polling, HTTP Streaming, WebSocket or WebRTC, you’ll be able to find a well-known name that uses one of these as part of their API offering.
API consumers are becoming much more aware of the benefits of real-time thanks to the experiences real-time technology can deliver and the emergence of more real-time APIs. API providers are also beginning to better understand those benefits and in some cases react to the increased demand.
This raises the questions: How do I build a real-time API? and Where do I start when building a Real-Time API?
These are difficult questions that needs to take in many factors. But they’re questions to which I want to shed some light on the answers to in my upcoming talk at API Strategies & Practices Europe/API Day Berlin on Friday the 24th April 2015.
Without going into all the details, here’s what I’m going to cover:
If you’re already booked up for APIStrat/API Days in Berlin then I’ll hopefully see you in the Architecture, Scalability, and Microservices session where I’ll be giving this talk.
If you’ve not yet signed up there’s still time! You can even sign up with a 30% discount thanks to Pusher. This code runs out in a couple of days so register quickly to take advantage.