Automating the control of power outlets is a great example of how we are moving to a connected world. Hosted services are in a fantastic position to make that move really easy and accessible.
During the past month we’ve seen some great examples of using Pusher with Twilio; first we published a tutorial on the Twilio blog covering “Pusher and Twilio: Making Realtime Functionality Easy”, then we attended API Hackday London and saw a number of really great examples of these two hosted services being used to build including API Roulette and Twilio Pusher Pong!
Now, Jon Gottfried of Twilio has created an example that extends the use of these technologies into the physical world with the thanks of an Arduino. Automating the control of power outlets is a great example of how we are moving to a Connected World. Hosted services are in a fantastic position to make that move really easy and accessible.
As this sequence diagram shows, there are quite a few components to the set up. But the really great thing is that each component has a relatively simple task.
You can read Jon’s full blog post on building the DIY Home Automation Using Twilio, PowerSwitch, Arduino, and Pusher goes into much more detail.