Pusher at Startup Weekend Edinburgh


We’ll be at Startup Weekend Edinburgh this weekend and we’re really excited to be involved. There’s a lot of innovation in Edinburgh and Scotland in general (and I live there so really want to be involved) so we want to help startups by getting them up and running as quickly as possible. It’s one of \[…\]


We’ll be at Startup Weekend Edinburgh this weekend and we’re really excited to be involved. There’s a lot of innovation in Edinburgh and Scotland in general (and I live there so really want to be involved) so we want to help startups by getting them up and running as quickly as possible. It’s one of the amazing things about a hosted service – it takes you minutes instead of days to add really valuable functionality to applications.

Startup weekends offer a fantastic opportunity to not only focus on innovation and new startup ideas but also give you access to a whole bunch of resources all in one place. As well as working with other attendees in the form of developers, designers, marketeers etc. there are also coaches (of which, I’m pleased to be one) and judges who are there to help you out and provide you with valuable opinion and insight. So, please make sure you take advantage of this great opportunity.

And if that’s not enough, there are of course prizes to be won!

Pusher Prizes


As per usual we’re offering prizes.

  • 1 Year Startup plan for the overall winner worth $588
  • 6 months Startup plan for the best use of Realtime within an app worth $294
  • Any team that uses Pusher will get 3 months access to a bootstrap plan worth $57 – or $57 Pusher credit

So, if you are thinking of adding any kind of realtime notifications, live content or interactive experiences to your application then Pusher really does make it easy to get this valuable functionality into your application.

I’m also there as a coach so please do give me a shout if you have any questions about Pusher or realtime web technologies in general.

SendGrid & Twilio Prizes

We’re good friends with the guys at SendGrid and Twilio. So, it’s great that they’re getting involved too.


SendGrid are offering fast provisioning for their free plan. Simply signup via http://hack.sendgrid.com/ and drop their European Dev Evangelist Martyn Davies a tweet and he’ll have you up and running in no time. The top 3 teams will also get access to a 6 months free bronze plan worth $60.


Twilio are offering $50 credit for every new signup. To take advantage of this just give me (@leggetter) a shout at the event and I’ll give you the signup code. If you already have a Twilio account let me know and I’ll give you the details of how to get that credit applied.

Looking forward to seeing you at Startup Weekend Edinburgh!