We have recently pushed out (no pun intended) a bunch of new features to the service. Read to find out the highlights.
We have recently pushed out (no pun intended) a bunch of new features to the service. The highlights (apart from stability and bug fixes) are:
You can now create multiple ‘apps’ for your account, each with their own authentication credentials. It takes just a few seconds.
Some applications need to get data from more than one place at a time. You can use an aggregated channel, but this is sometimes a bit inefficient.
Consider a widget dashboard where each widget has its own data feed. You can now do the following:
var myPusherConnection = new Pusher(YOUR_API_KEY); var widget1Channel = myPusherConnection.subscribe("widget1"); var widget2Channel = myPusherConnection.subscribe("widget2");
You can bind events to these channels as expected:
widget1Channel.bind( "new-data", function(data){ // update widget 1 with the new data } )
widget2Channel.bind( "new-data", function(data){ // update widget 2 with the new data } )
More about this in the pusher-js docs.
Last but not least, we have added the ability to verify the authenticity of the clients who are listening to channels. This involves a callback to your server to generate a signature based on a given socket id. There are far more details about this here.
Please note that these last 2 features require version 1.4 of the hosted Javascript Library (http://js.pusherapp.com/1.4/pusher.min.js).
As usual, let us know how you get on (you can create a free account here). We hope this allows people to make even cooler stuff!