Meet the Pushers


Meet the Pushers As you know if you have spoken to us via the interwebs, we are very chatty bunch. We’re always keen to speak to you about what you’re doing, and how we can make the service better for you. It’s part of our core vision to make an approachable service that responds to \[…\]


Meet the Pushers

As you know if you have spoken to us via the interwebs, we are very chatty bunch. We’re always keen to speak to you about what you’re doing, and how we can make the service better for you. It’s part of our core vision to make an approachable service that responds to our users.

However, we now want to break free of this digital realm, and speak to you guys in REAL LIFE. To this end, we’re upping our presence at conferences and developer events. We’ve also taken on board our first developer evangelist Phil Leggetter to make sure we are doing a consistent job at engaging with you guys.

What we want from you when we see you:

  • Come and say hello!
  • Tell us what you’re building
  • Tell us how we can make your lives easier by improving our APIs

If you’re lucky, you may catch us when we have some of our Pusher swag available!

Recent outings have included the awesome LessConf where we sponsored the essential ice cream truck:

Damien was representin’ and had the opportunity to meet several of our users in person (you know who you are).

More recently Damien and Phil travelled to Poland for Falsy Values. More to come on that front from Phil. Suffice to say that a great time was had by all, and we gave away plenty of tshirts and mints.

What events are you going to in the future, and where would you like to see us?